We are currently experiencing higher then normal call volumes. We apologize for any delay in returning your call at this time. You may also email us via
the form below or directly at sattazahnrefuse@yahoo.com
Or use our email form and we'll get back to you within 24 hours!
Sattazahn Refuse Removal Inc.
121 Lions Drive
Fredericksburg, PA 17026
Sattazahn Refuse Removal Inc.
PO Box 56
Fredericksburg, PA 17026
None at this time
All customers should have trash at the curb by 8:00am on the day of their collection regardless of previous collection
Weather Related: None
In order to protect the safety of our employees, customers, general public and our equipment, it may be necessary to make changes to our collection
schedules due to inclement weather. We will post any such changes here and also record a phone message at 717-865-3941.
Yard Waste: Yard waste, such as grass clippings is no longer permitted with regular trash. Please
call or email for an appointment for pickup.
Recycling Update:Click to go to our recycling update page
Used Motor Oil: We accept used motor oil in plastic containers. Please contact us for pickup.